Hey Folks,
The first month of 2019 has a set in stone lineup for Folk Night’s at The Ship, every Wednesday at 9pm! You’ll be pleased to hear that Quote the Raven has been resheduled almost right away, after the weather took over their set in December, the wonderful Sherry Ryan is back, and there are two opportunities to join in on a trad night.
January 02nd: Trad Session Hosted by Stacey Seward
January 09th: Quote the Raven
January 23rd: Sherry Ryan
Janurary 30th: Trad Session with Toney O Brien
You can always find out who is playing next on our Folk Night page, here. If you would like to perform, volunteer or host at a Folk Night, see more information here.
This is a solid start to a very Happy New Year! We’ll see you down at The Ship.